Our large campus has been built for children and their families. Both classrooms and playground areas have been thoughtfully designed for kids of all ages. There are big play toys for climbing and sliding and covered sandboxes that give children many choices on where to play and explore.
The inside of our classrooms have a very open feel, with appropriately sized furniture for the different age groups. Even the sinks and bathrooms are built just for kids, making your child feel comfortable and capable in their school surroundings. Many parents comment on how clean and well-organized our classrooms are.
Parents also like our location with easy access to I-405 and Hwy. 520, they can easily drop-off kids and conveniently get to/from our school to work or home.

Children one year and older can attend through Kindergarten

Yes. As a convenience for parents, we serve a breakfast before 8:00 am and lunch plus three snacks are provided for full-day students. Part-time students receive lunch plus one snack. We serve nutritious foods that kids love.

Our teacher to child ratio for toddlers is 1 to 6, for preschool children the ratio is 1 to 10, and kindergarten/first grade the ratio is 1 to 15. We can provide excellent care by having superior teachers, quality supplies, a first-rate facility and professional support and supervision.

Our school’s most important assets are the teachers who work with your children. We work very hard to keep them happy. Our wages, benefits and work environment are at the top of the childcare industry. We treat our teachers as professionals and our turnover is low. We have teachers and administrators who have worked with us for decades.

Depending on parental interest, we do offer a full-day kindergarten with certified teachers and curriculum.

Our school observes an open door policy. We ask that you schedule an appointment with our directors to tour our school.

We close on New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, the Friday after Thanksgiving, and Christmas. We also have 1-2 teacher training days per year, and typically give at least a months notice for these dates.

Our positive guidance approach enhances each child’s emotional development while helping children gain the skills to solve conflicts in a positive manner. Teachers recognize and encourage pro-social behaviors among children, such as cooperation, using words to solve problems, and demonstrating empathy for others. We believe in intrinsic motivation, which refers to behavior that is driven by internal rewards. In other words, the motivation to engage in a behavior arises from within the individual because it is naturally satisfying to you. This contrasts with extrinsic motivation, which involves engaging in a behavior in order to earn external rewards or avoid punishment. We try to anticipate and eliminate potential problems by providing clear, consistent guidelines. The day’s schedule is well-planned and organized, creating less opportunity for conflicts. We use our best professional judgment when conflicts do arise by either intervening or redirecting the child to a new activity to change the focus of the child’s behavior, or by providing individualized attention to help the child deal with the particular behavior. We empower the children to make good choices. Natural or logical consequences of the child’s behavior are utilized as another means of promoting positive behavior.

We work hard to stay open, but also keep everyone safe. However, if we should have to close, we notify King 5 News as soon as possible and will text and email all parents individually. In the case of an emergency during the school day (i.e. power outages, etc…) we will text parents directly. Please keep all contact information current and up to date.